The Jay Kim Show with Alarice and ChoZan Founder Ashley Galina Dudarenok

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While continuing to run Alarice and ChoZan, Ashley is also building her personal brand with podcasting, vlogging, and speaking engagements all over the world.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • About Ashley’s new bestselling book
  • About some of the hot trends in China
  • About the various Chinese social media platforms and how they’re used
  • How Chinese social media use differs from that of the West

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What was your biggest insight from this week’s episode? Let Jay know in the comments or on Twitter: @jaykimmer.

Links from today’s episode

Also Read: The Jay Kim Show with Chris Snook on the charge towards crypto 2.0

Detailed show notes

  • (2:03) Jay and Ashley chat about the book writing process
  • (3:23) Ashley gives an overview of her work
  • (7:09) Ashley lists some common misconceptions foreigners have about the Chinese market
  • (11:41) A current hot trend in China — entrepreneurship, a.k.a. 9-9-6
  • (13:16) Other hot trends in China
  • (16:54) Ashley discusses the Chinese consumer attitude toward spending
  • (19:58) Ashley compares and contrasts WeChat and Weibo
  • (27:18) How the Chinese use social media differently than Westerners
  • (28:30) Ashley gives details on the percentage of usage for both of WeChat and Weibo
  • (30:24) Ashley gives a forecast of what Chinese social media will be like in five to ten years
  • (37:05) Ashley’s plans for 2018 — building her personal brand, speaking, and writing another book
  • (40:58) Ashley’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

Also Read: The Jay Kim Show with China e-commerce expert Marco Gervasi